立博中文版新汉姆工程学院获得ABET 认证


俾斯麦,和 The University of Mary’s new Hamm School of Engineering has quickly earned full accreditation for its Bachelor 土木工程理学学位, 机械工程, 和电气工程,七年前才启动这些项目, in 2016. 评审委员会 for Engineering and Technology (ABET) granted maximum certification to each of those degrees — retroactive from October of 2020.

ABET是一个国际性的, non-governmental organization that accredits post-secondary education programs in applied and natural sciences, 计算, 工程, 工程技术. 

“认证 is important because it says we meet the national standards and are up to par with every accredited 工程 school in the world when it comes to earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil, 机械, 电气工程,工程学助理教授安东尼·瓦尔登迈尔说, a member of the accreditation task force within University of Mary’s Hamm School of Engineering.

Waldenmaier is one of the first three 工程 faculty hired by the founding Dean of the School of Engineering, Dr. 2016年,特里·皮林与罗德里戈·达·科斯塔·阿帕雷西多和埃里克·加西亚. 这四个, 拥有自己丰富的经验, immediately sought feedback from industry leaders and 工程 firms asking them what they would like to see from a new 工程 school, 北达科他州西部唯一的一个.

有了输入, 他们一开始就很有见地, 小心, and intentional planning process — beginning with the student-first faculty they hire, 教室和实验室的每一寸空间是如何一起使用的细节, to a comprehensive and very hands-on curriculum that begins with the student’s freshman-year experience and continues through their senior year.

The program philosophy emphasized at the Hamm School of Engineering is to produce the highest quality professional engineer. A new kind of engineer – one that is better trained technically and who is also culturally prepared for the workplace with additional soft skills in communication, 领导, 作为一个团队与跨学科的工程团队一起工作.

Pilling believes strongly that earning accreditation is affirmation of all their hard work and attention to detail.

“最终, the mark of a great 工程 school is if our 工程 graduates are positive contributors to society within their communities, 成功的, 被公司聘用,皮林强调道。. “All our Hamm School of Engineering students are getting internships and our graduates are getting jobs. 经常, 工程 firms are competing for our graduates early on in their four-year cycle and are getting scooped up by companies — and usually students are being looked at before they even start their senior year. 他们从大二起就开始实习了, 通常,当他们毕业时,同一家公司会给他们提供同样的职位. 他们为伟大的公司工作.”

Those companies know that the Hamm School of Engineering students have been tested and challenged each day — maybe more than most. 瓦尔登迈尔用老式设备教他的测量课, 不是因为他们买不起新设备, but because the older equipment forces the student to know more about surveying — and more importantly, 过程背后的“如何”和“为什么”. 最新最好的设备为用户自动化了大部分工作.

有专职工程教师13人, 甚至更多的兼职员工都是各自领域的专家. 目前, 该校有223名工科学生, 今年秋天将有近100名新生入学. While enrollment is growing, the focus on individual student mentorship remains a priority.

“We are very proud of what we do because we can have that one-on-one interaction with our students, and we can more effectively integrate the knowledge in different ways: merge the hands-on part with the theoretical part and keep everything connected,皮林补充道。. “We can see it in their eyes if they get lost — then we can step in and help the student get back on track. 所以,这是非常私人的,与学生一对一的互动. 我活在那些学生灵光一闪的时刻, 学生很兴奋, 然后他们开始问我们一些很酷的问题,我们都从中学习. 他们都很投入,很感兴趣. 很有趣.”   

教师 admit that courses in the Hamm School of Engineering are very challenging — perhaps even more so than most 工程 schools. Some classes are purposely designed to include a mix of 工程 students in different majors so they can work throughout the school year together on projects from start to finish and get a better understanding of each other’s discipline, 就像工业工程工作中的情况一样. 所有工程专业的学生通常一学期修18个学分, 不仅包括工程课程, 还有数学, 物理, 化学和人文社会科学课程.

“就在最近, 今年夏天连续几天, 我们有两个女高中生, 进入初中阶段, 在来立博中文版前几年参观我们的工程学院,皮林回忆道。. “我很高兴看到人们提前这么做了规划. We can encourage them to not forget about the math and the technical stuff they should be taking in high school to help prepare them for when they come here for 工程 school.”

Both of those particular high school students are from out of state — Illinois and Washington state, 分别. 对于工程公司来说,这是一个完美的场景. 毕竟, they began planting the seed for a new school of 工程 years prior when the many companies associated with western and central North Dakota began seeing young students go to 工程 colleges in North Dakota, 毕业后离开这个州去别的地方工作.  

“现在, 数据显示,我们70%的工程专业学生来自其他州,达科斯塔·阿帕雷西多强调说. “我们的目标之一, 还有一个行政目标, 是为了吸引州内和州外最高质量的学生, 让他们爱上立博中文版, 俾斯麦-曼丹和其他地区的社区, 然后取得成功,所以他们留下来在北达科他州定居. In 2023, 在接受调查的人中, 67% of our 工程 graduates stayed in North Dakota to work for 工程 firms.”

俗话说:“成功孕育成功。.带着这样的想法,它第一次获得了认证, Pilling says the Hamm School of Engineering has other programs as well: computer science, 环境工程, 建筑工程, 施工管理, 因为它延续了大学创始人和赞助者的使命, 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会, 通过不断倾听该地区和其他地区的需求.

任何想了解更多关于立博中文版的人都可以在 habitancy.okanaganelderlaw.com or  在线.okanaganelderlaw.com,或与招生代表联系 enroll@okanaganelderlaw.com,或致电(701) 355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US.

关于立博中文版: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and 领导 in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 15个硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.
