University of Mary 2022 首页coming Royalty Announced

2022 首页coming King and Queen

2022 首页coming Court
前排:(女王)萨拉·潘克拉茨-比林斯,MT和(国王)科林舞会- Upsala, MN
Back Row (Left to Right): Jacinta Kreiner - Marlette, MI, 玛拉顿 - Littleton, CO, 克莱尔Madson - Fargo, ND, 阿比麦凯 - Minot, ND, University of Mary President, Monsignor James Shea, 卡西米 - Hazen, ND, 雅各布迪克 - Buffalo, MN, Daniel Savageau - Alexandria, MN, 大卫·鲁伊斯 - Loretto, MN

俾斯麦,ND 在周三举行的加冕典礼上,立博中文版宣布了2022年返校节国王和王后以及他们的宫廷, 10月19日, in Founders Hall of the Lumen Vitae University Center (LVUC) on campus. The event coincides with the annual Day of 服务 — the largest, single-day 服务 event in North Dakota, where around 1,000名学生, 工作人员, 和立博中文版的教职员工分散到俾斯麦和曼丹的各个组织.  

首页coming King is 科林舞会. Prom is an exercise science major from Upsala, Minnesota. He has one older sister and loves hunting, 运行, and spending as much time as possible with friends and family. During his time at the University of Mary, 舞会有幸与许多人建立起终身的友谊. 他为在立博中文版经历的所有奇妙的人际关系和个人成长感到无比的幸福. After graduation, 舞会希望在某种程度上为上帝服务,并可能抑制他对幸运符和樱桃可乐的依赖.

首页coming Queen is Sarah Pankratz. Pankratz is a music education and dramatic arts double major. She is from Billings, Montana, and is the sixth of eight children. Four of her siblings have attended the University of Mary. Pankratz喜欢成为立博中文版的学生,因为校园为社区提供了机会, 友谊, 服务, and new experiences. 在学校里,她最喜欢的部分包括成为同伴领袖,和同学们一起在校园里参加各种演出和音乐会. “这个社区教会了我如何成为一个自信的领导者,并发现如何利用我的天赋和才能为他人服务,” Pankratz said. 为她, the future includes a few plays, three or four concerts, 决赛, and student teaching next fall. After that, the future holds adventures that are yet to be determined.

Other student nominees for King and Queen included: 

雅各布迪克 来自明尼苏达州布法罗的工商管理专业,在兄弟姐妹中排行第五. Dick has always loved the University of Mary and his time here. “校园的简洁有它自己的美,但也让这里的人们的美闪耀出来,他说. He has been a resident assistant for the last three years and, 这样做的时候, has had the opportunity to get to know many wonderful people on campus. 雅各布期待着春天毕业,住在俾斯麦. He hopes to go into commercial real estate one day.

大卫·鲁伊斯 (被许多人称为迪亚兹)主修机械工程,辅修数学. He is from Loretto, Minnesota, and has lived in both Illinois and Alaska. He is the second oldest of four siblings. 鲁伊斯爱上立博中文版的最大原因之一是这里的人. He loves wandering around the Crow's Nest talking to people he knows. 你经常可以看到他在为他的工程师朋友们做一场袖珍庸俗的竞选, playing intramural frisbee, and sometimes at the hockey games if you're looking carefully. 参加立博中文版的核心课程改变了他的生活,他想感谢立博中文版博士. 柯林斯的上帝探索课让他走上了天主教的道路. His new faith is something he couldn't imagine living without, and he loves hearing about peoples’ lives and helping them when he can. 鲁伊斯只是在享受他的高三之旅,他很兴奋地看到上帝带他去哪里.

卡西米 是主修计算机信息系统,辅修古典学吗. He is from Hazen, North Dakota, and is the oldest of five children. 尽管自从来到立博中文版后,萨戈已经改变了很多次, he has ended up being very active in the Catholic Men’s House, University Ministry, and student government. 他非常感谢大学及其社区与他建立的友谊,以及他们为真正的天主教文化树立的榜样. 萨戈不确定明年夏天会发生什么,但他与俾斯麦地区有着密切的联系.

Daniel Savageau 来自明尼苏达州亚历山德里亚,将于今年春天毕业,主修基础教育. He is the youngest of three kids and is an uncle to one. 萨瓦戈逐渐爱上了立博中文版的信仰和宗教方面. There have been so many opportunities, from spending time with FOCUS missionaries to attending sporting events, that have made it so fun to be at Mary. 他在大学期间建立的人际关系和联系将伴随他的一生. 萨瓦格对学生和体育运动充满热情,有一天他想成为一名体育总监. 他希望成为一名影响他人的老师,就像他的老师为他所做的那样.

玛拉顿 is a civil engineering major from Littleton, Colorado. She is the second of five children. 道尔顿喜欢她在立博中文版的时光,因为她所接受的社区和形成. “立博中文版不仅教会了我未来职业生涯所需的实用技能和知识, but also how to live a life of virtue in the 服务 of others. My time here has been deeply transformational. 我很感激我的经历,也相信它会推动我走向未来.” After graduation, Dalton plans to travel, 搬回科罗拉多州,在一家土地开发公司全职工作,她在那里实习了两年.

Jacinta Kreiner is a double major in psychology and theology from Marlette, which is a small town in eastern Michigan. She is the second youngest of 13 kids and has over 30 nieces and nephews. 虽然克莱纳仍然不确定她是如何进入立博中文版的, 这一定是一件“上帝的事”,因为她喜欢在这里的每一分钟. “如果没有训练,我无法想象成为今天的我和明天我想成为的人, 友谊, and experiences I’ve found at the University of Mary,” Kreiner said. 她是一名大三的住宿助理,在罗马学习了一个学期, both of which have been amazing and formative experiences. She is an avid coffee drinker, so no, it is never tea in her travel mug. 克赖纳期待着在毕业后的秋天攻读她的心理咨询硕士学位. 她希望从事咨询工作,并希望为经历危机怀孕的女性提供支持.

克莱尔Madson 她主修工商管理,辅修天主教研究和哲学. She is from Fargo, North Dakota, and is the second oldest of six kids. 起初,马德森不想来立博中文版,希望避免跟随在她之前就读的姐姐. After visiting the university, she was stunned by the welcoming environment and flourishing community. Through her time in Rome, experience with University Ministry, and relationships with professors, 她在为他人服务的过程中成长,在精神上和智力上都有所成长. Madson说, “我永远感激立博中文版给予我的一切,无论我走到哪里,我都会带着我所得到的一切.马德森期待着明年夏天和她的未婚夫结婚,看看上帝会把他们带到哪里. 

阿比麦凯 is an English education major from Minot, North Dakota. She has one younger brother, and in her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends, attending Marauders sporting events, and beating people at Ms. Pac Man 2 at Chesterton's. 麦凯最喜欢立博中文版的一点是,这个校园里的人都很用心. The professors, 教师, and 工作人员 all know the reason they are on this campus, and they all try their best to serve the students. 多年来,麦凯特别喜欢了解她的教授和同龄人. 麦凯期待着本学年的剩余时间和将会留下的回忆. And she is hoping to get her braces off soon.